Documentary & Video Archive
Various interviews, documentaries, and related videos featuring wildlife and timber trade, the poaching crisis, news documentaries about front-line wildlife conservation.
Please be advised that these videos may contain graphic content.
Index by Region
[Al Jazeera] The Poachers Pipeline (47m:38s)
[Al Jazeera] The Last Rhino (47m:26s)
[Channel 4] Black Mambas: South Africa’s all-female anti-poaching unit (03m:34s)
[Chengeta Wildlife] Anti-Poaching Stealthy Search – Rangers find weapons on poachers after a tip-off. (01m:05s)
[Chengeta Wildlife] Rory Young & Chengeta Wildlife Ranger Training Program (02m:33s)
[Chengeta Wildlife] Rory Young Speaks From The Heart (02m:24s)
[CITES] Rhinos Under Threat (28m:33s)
[EIA] SGSOC: The Wrong Project in the Wrong Place – Palm oil projects by Sithe Global Sustainable Oil Cameroon. (09m:45s)
[IAPF] 60 Minutes: Damien’s War – IAPF’s Damien Mander featured in 60 Minutes’ “Damien’s War”
[IAPF] 60 Minutes: Jungle Warfare – IAPF featured in 60 Minutes’ “Jungle Warfare” documenting ivory poaching and the drones that will stop it. Graphic.
[IAPF] Kruger the Eastern Frontier
[IAPF] Modern Warrior: Damien Mander at TEDxSydney
[IAPF] UN Great Apes Survival Summit: IAPF’s Damien Mander – Extreme Conservation
[IFAW] INTERPOL-IFAW Environmental Crime Training Programme (12m:57s)
[INTERPOL] IFAW-INTERPOL “Operation Lead” documentary (2012) in English (3m:16s)
[INTERPOL] IFAW-INTERPOL “Operation Wendi” documentary (2013) in English and in Française (10m:30s)
[NatGeo] Battle for the Elephants (series)
[NatGeo] The History of the Ivory Trade (02m:25s)
Charlie Rose: A discussion about elephant ivory in Africa with Patrick Bergin, Veronica Varekova and Marcus Asner.
Independent “I am a Ranger” short film. Ol Pejeta Conservancy.
Log trucks waiting to cross Laos-Vietnam border
with contraband wood, January 2008.
Source: EIA – Environmental Crime (pg 9).
[EIA] Deadly Game – The Origin of Tiger Skins Uncovered (08m:49s)
[EIA] The Dirty Secrets of Japan’s Illegal Ivory Trade (07m:45s)
[EIA] Rogue Traders – Indonesian government’s enforcement response to EIA’s report ‘Last Frontier‘ (2005). (09m:11s)
[EIA] Routes of Extinction – Luxury furniture in China is driving illegal logging in Thailand.
[EIA] Sin City: Illegal Wildlife Trade in Laos’ Special Economic Zone
[PBS Nature] Siberian Tiger Quest – Full episode available for free to US viewers.
Inside an Elephant Capture – By Kalyan Varma – Live capture and translocation of Indian elephants. (04m:34s)
[EIA] Slayed in Iceland – The ongoing exploitation of endangered fin whales (03m:52s)
[OCCRP] Clear Cut Crimes – OCCRP documentary (42m:53s)
North America
[EIA] Collateral Damage: How illegal trade in totoaba swim bladders is driving the vaquita to extinction (05m:51s)
[UMinn] Lecture from Institute on the Environment at University of Minnesota: Is global wildlife trade a domestic One Health risk?
South America
[AJ] People & Power – Peru’s Rotten Wood (25m:00s)