Resources Overview
This page provides links to various news articles, reports, documentaries, and websites with information on poaching crises and related conservation issues from throughout the world.
For information on abbreviations and terminology used by wildlife conservationists, anti-poaching rangers, and some of the research and reports listed below please visit the Poaching Glossary.
A collection of commonly used terminology and abbreviations from experienced anti-poaching rangers, research publications, reports, and other experts in the field. Definitions and usage may vary by region or organization. The Poaching Glossary is maintained by PoachingFacts.
For an exhaustive list of poaching-related articles going back more than 20 years, including success stories and front-line news, please visit the Wildlife Trafficking News Archive. For forestry and wood poaching-related news articles from a wide array of sources please visit the Illegal Logging & Forestry News Archive.
Reports, Research & Publications
There are many excellent publications accessible on the internet which detail hard data on environmental crimes, wildlife trafficking, illegal logging, and ties that businesses and governments have to illegal industries and even organized crime. PoachingFacts has created an index of some of these reports, studies, and other documents that are significant and easily understood while also being relevant to researchers who need a quick way to find sources and original research on related topics.
To view the full list of these articles please visit the Reports, Research, & Publications Index.
Historical documents and notes as well as freely redistributable journals and other publications relating to environmental crime and the animal trade are available on the corresponding page. Some of these documents have been compiled in PDF format by the PoachingFacts team to make them more accessible. Digital spreadsheets will be added to accompany some of the documents and transcripts of select hand-written papers will be added in the future.
Reference Books & Materials on Conservation
Reference books and encyclopedias on flora and fauna as well as authoritative books on various aspects of conservation and the people involved in shaping ecological and wildlife conservation efforts. Please visit the Books on Flora, Fauna & Conservation page.
Various videos featuring wildlife and timber trade, the poaching crisis, news documentaries from the front-line, and related videos pertaining to wildlife conservation. Please be advised that these videos may contain graphic content.
[Al Jazeera] The Poachers Pipeline (47m:38s)
[Al Jazeera] The Last Rhino (47m:26s)
[Channel 4] Black Mambas: South Africa’s all-female anti-poaching unit (03m:34s)
[Chengeta Wildlife] Anti-Poaching Stealthy Search – Rangers find weapons on poachers after a tip-off. (01m:05s)
[Chengeta Wildlife] Rory Young & Chengeta Wildlife Ranger Training Program (02m:33s)
[Chengeta Wildlife] Rory Young Speaks From The Heart (02m:24s)
[CITES] Rhinos Under Threat (28m:33s)
[EIA] SGSOC: The Wrong Project in the Wrong Place – Palm oil projects by Sithe Global Sustainable Oil Cameroon. (09m:45s)
[IAPF] 60 Minutes: Damien’s War – IAPF’s Damien Mander featured in 60 Minutes’ “Damien’s War”
[IAPF] 60 Minutes: Jungle Warfare – IAPF featured in 60 Minutes’ “Jungle Warfare” documenting ivory poaching and the drones that will stop it. Graphic.
[IAPF] Kruger the Eastern Frontier
[IAPF] Modern Warrior: Damien Mander at TEDxSydney
[IAPF] UN Great Apes Survival Summit: IAPF’s Damien Mander – Extreme Conservation
[IFAW] INTERPOL-IFAW Environmental Crime Training Programme (12m:57s)
[INTERPOL] IFAW-INTERPOL “Operation Lead” documentary (2012) in English (3m:16s)
[INTERPOL] IFAW-INTERPOL “Operation Wendi” documentary (2013) in English and in Française (10m:30s)
[NatGeo] Battle for the Elephants (series)
[NatGeo] The History of the Ivory Trade (02m:25s)
Charlie Rose: A discussion about elephant ivory in Africa with Patrick Bergin, Veronica Varekova and Marcus Asner.
Independent “I am a Ranger” short film. Ol Pejeta Conservancy.
Log trucks waiting to cross Laos-Vietnam border
with contraband wood, January 2008.
Source: EIA – Environmental Crime (pg 9).
[EIA] Deadly Game – The Origin of Tiger Skins Uncovered (08m:49s)
[EIA] The Dirty Secrets of Japan’s Illegal Ivory Trade (07m:45s)
[EIA] Rogue Traders – Indonesian government’s enforcement response to EIA’s report ‘Last Frontier‘ (2005). (09m:11s)
[EIA] Routes of Extinction – Luxury furniture in China is driving illegal logging in Thailand.
[EIA] Sin City: Illegal Wildlife Trade in Laos’ Special Economic Zone
[PBS Nature] Siberian Tiger Quest – Full episode available for free to US viewers.
Inside an Elephant Capture – By Kalyan Varma – Live capture and translocation of Indian elephants. (04m:34s)
[EIA] Slayed in Iceland – The ongoing exploitation of endangered fin whales (03m:52s)
[OCCRP] Clear Cut Crimes – OCCRP documentary (42m:53s)
North America
[EIA] Collateral Damage: How illegal trade in totoaba swim bladders is driving the vaquita to extinction (05m:51s)
[UMinn] Lecture from Institute on the Environment at University of Minnesota: Is global wildlife trade a domestic One Health risk?
South America
[AJ] People & Power – Peru’s Rotten Wood (25m:00s)
Header image source: Collage of excerpts from documents and reports contained in the Ian Parker Collection Relating to East African Wildlife Conservation, Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.